KL (Part 1)
Helo! Haha juz got back from KL two days ago.. wonderful trip i can say minus the bad service from the hotel!! Hahah well, everyone was blaming JASON who assured that he had done his homework well including the hotel haha.. Might be a diff story though if we stayed at hotel federal instead of hotel malaya hahaah..
chee hao sleeping alone!Took a long bus journey to KL wf Gui mei, Ign, Chee hao, Jason, Gui's friends Wanling and Steven on a coach .. Had great fun onboard the bus besides the time when all of us fell asleep.. Well, Jason was sitting right behind Gui mei thru out the journey.. juz imagine the ordeal she had gone thru! Haha some live concert from Jason, singing and talking non-stop.. Check out from Chee hao if u wanna watch the "tong hua" mtv starring our famous Mr Jason Chua!!! haha real funny and artistic video..
<---- gui mei busy msging juz b4 the border!
We stopped at Chinatown in KL which is a stone's throw away from our hotel.. When we saw the appearance of the hotel from the outside, our heart actually sank haha.. Its looked like some huge old hotel which they used to film those chinese ghost shows!! The service was real bad and we had to wait for 1.5 hrs juz to get our first room. The other two rooms were given later in the nite! Luckily the room was very cosy and nice on the inside.Well the surrounding looked like the one we saw on the show "ying yang lu" haha. Ign, Jason and i formed the club DI DA DI.. haha from then on there was no peace for gui mei! =pp Club DI DA DI!
We settled down in the very first room and went out for shopping at the mid valley mega mall.. The mid valley mega mall is very big which boasts over 430 shops! and a walking distance of 5km if u were to walk all over the shopping centre.. haha well we spent most of the time at STUDIO R, a very big sports store which looks very similar to the ones we have in suntec.. Most of us bought something there and we shopped until 6+pm and spotted a Sweet Receipe shop which the cakes and stuff were of similar prices in singapore but they were all in Ringgits which means a half price for all items. Jason ordered a lamb pie, Ign, hao, gui mei and I shared a cheesecake, huge slice of mocha choco cake and white choco macademia cake.. The huge slice of cake only cost RM 5.35 each! which is less than 2.50 sg dollars and they were delicious! <-- NIce cakes!!! -->
We took a taxi back to hotel malaya after that and after some time of waiting we were given the remaining two rooms. Chee hao and gui mei shared the twin room while Jason, ign and i took the triplet room which was obviously much bigger and nicer hahaa .. Well Chee hao was chosen to share because all of us thinks that he will be the safest for gui mei hahah u guys should noe y =pp <--diff rooms =p !!-->
We bathed and went down to a very nice stall store and shared two set of bbq stingray, cockles and sotong which were all bbq in aluminium foil wf sambal chili. Really nice but hot.. After that it was Jason's favourite time of the day when we visited the Chinatown nite market which is juz situated below our hotel.. The whole market was big anf filled wf ppl.. There have everything u can imagine but of course they were all fake stuff haha but made almost like the real ones. Jason had a good time bargaining and the prices settled were usually ard half of the initial asking prices haha.. Many nice stuff to eat inside the nite market also including the nice longan and herb drink, really smooth bean curd jelly , nice fried potato balls etc.. After some time we settled down at the mini cafe inside the hotel, ordered some drinks and watched abit of the match between everton and bolten .. Well, we came at the last 20min and everton conceded 3 goals then haha..
After that, chee hao , Ign and i went to search for the famous claypot "lao shu fen " or " lou xu fan " in cantonese.. We ordered a big pot and the really nice pork meat fried wf garlic and some special sauce. Was real full by then and we went looking ard before going back to our room where we joked and played some card games wf the rest... The first day was over and we managed to sleep only 3 hrs for that night...
(the pictures of the scenes will be updated soon once hao and jason send them over... now for part 2..... )
Back from KL (Part 1)
Tuesday, December 20, 2005 | Posted by Josh at 11:52 PM
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