
Sigh... sick today ... woke up in the middle of the night hyper ventilating then vomited... guess i really need a good break from studying =) Doctor found that my heart beat is too fast... next week is my break week for school. Will be staying away from books for a few days.. time to chill out!!

Take care guys cya =)


My Birthday! Thanks for the wonderful celebrations and presents =)

Pictures of the Event!

Special Highlights of Lulu's birthday:

Ignatius again =p

Group Photo

Bennett , Jason and Karen

Pinky + Some others =p

Sandy and Lulu

Everyone's in!!

Yummy white Choco Crumble!

Lastly, the picture of the event goes to...... :

Cocked Eye Lu! =pp

I'm Back

Hey Everyone i'm back!! Been busy these few weeks with school then came the unfortunate event of my grandma's death.. sigh..

Well hope everyone is having a great time in school =p

We'll march towards our great honours!! =)

Pictures for Lulu's birthday are uploaded on the Yahoo photos (No password needed! =p) - (Thanks Chee Hao for sending the photos ha)

Take care and cya guys = )