I have bought several insurance policies along the way and many people have laughed at the thought of it and most did not realise the usefulness of it until the need arises. From my point of view, insurance is essential to ensure the needs of your family are met in the case of your death. (Worst scenario) The money your beneficiaries receive which is known as the death benefit is income tax free and will help to pay for your final estate settlement costs, medical bills and etc. Additionally, your family will also need these funds to help maintain the lifestyle you have worked hard to build and it goes a long way in relieving your love ones from their burdens such as your children's education fees or housing loan.There are many insurance schemes available due to the rapid innovation resulting from the increasing competition from the many insurance companies.
Out of all the insurance schemes, i personally think that the more useful insurance schemes available are home insurance, life insurance, travel insurance and car insurance. Of course, the car insurance policy is now made compulsory by many countries, which will ensure that the vehicle damage cost and any personal/passenger injury cost will be properly taken care of.So, do take some time out to consider taking an insurance of your need as you may find it beneficial in the future.
Sunday, December 07, 2008 | Posted by Josh at 9:29 AM 0 comments
Web Hosting Review
Due to the increasing connectivity of the world businesses, many companies have spent a large amount of money on their websites to increase their sales. These companies also engaged experts to enhance their websites search results in the search engines and use tools such as the SEO, google advertisements so that their publicity efforts will be maximised. Companies in countries such as America can be promoted all the way in Asia with the use of the Internet and the sales from the Internet source is too lucrative to be ignored.
Getting a good website hosting company will prove to be a worry for most established and other individual companies as the website hosts need to be very reliable so that their websites can avoid suffering from technical issues. These technical problems can be costly as the incoming revenue will stall and the reputation of the company can be affected. There is a really good web hosting review site located at and they are really professional in this area. They have included a list of the world’s best web hosts, giving every intricate detail about each of the company. Web Hosting Geeks has given many awards to many of the web hosting companies according to their strength and this actually help the customers to find the perfect web host they need. The template of this web host review site is very user-friendly and do check the webhost for more details now.
Posted by Josh at 9:03 AM 0 comments
Thinking About Mortgages
Mortgages can be tricky. One has to pay particular attention to the mortgage terms available in the market at the time you going into it. These include interest rates, points, term, down payment requirements, and the maximum allowable ratio of housing expense to income. In addition, affordability may be affected by your existing indebtedness if this is higher than the indebtedness that lenders are willing to accept, and by closing costs which vary from one part of the country to another.Ever heard of balloon mortgages? These are mortgages that are short termed usually between 5-7 years. The payments are based on what you will pay for a 30 year loan. They have low monthly payments with a final large payment due at the end of the term. The low early payments will be beneficial for getting a new home early but one has to make sure of being able to make the final balloon payment.
Saturday, December 06, 2008 | Posted by Josh at 7:31 AM 0 comments
5.11 Tactical Pants
Due to the rising awareness of wars and war-related movies, many fanatics are constantly on a lookout for the gadgets and costumes that their heroes actually used in their favourite movie scenes. They can be proudly displayed as collections in one’s house or even wore to relive the proud moments in the movie scenes. Many children living in bigger towns and cities will love to lay their hands on these items and wear them while they are playing “police and thief” around their neighbourhoods.
There have been some good movies recently such as the Max Payne and Quantum Solace that feature characters in action usually as a cop or a secret agent. These characters need to wear certain kinds of special tactical pants when they on mission so that they can be rather undetectable throughout. These tactical pants are often crucial in holding their special gadgets while they are on the move. Besides the tactical pants, there are also other accessories that can help one to be tactical.
With the tactical items, one can appear to be less visible to the other players or people. There is one great website located at which sells all kinds of tactical pants, costumes, gadgets and many more. The tactical pants that are mentioned in the website are built to offer lasting performance and comfort. Bartacking and triple-stitch construction create an incredibly durable pant and they are available in cotton or nylon canvas. The 5.11 Tactical Pant is the only pant in the market that features a rear strap and slash pocket design – both proprietary features of these best-selling pants as stated at their site. Shipping is absolutely free for orders that are 50 dollars or more. Do check out the website for more information now.
Posted by Josh at 12:51 AM 0 comments
Our Father in Heaven
Our Father's presence is everywhere
Just imagine the electric current freely flowing in all our households today. The power is always available through all the power sockets. Whether the appliance will activate depends on whether we actually plug in the head into the socket.
Its rather the same for our Father in Heaven. His awesome presence is always around us. The very crucial key lies in the fact that whether you are PLUG IN to feel his wonderful presence and love. One can always be in the house of the Lord but never plugged in (just like a house flowing with electric current). That's a truth.
When we sing our praises to him through the worship and songs, are our minds totally about Him or are we thinking about some other events we have later on? It is a wonderful privilege to come into His presence and no other creatures created on this earth actually has the privilege and honour to come before him to pray and worship him.
Our Heart
A magnet is made up of small tiny little magnets inside its body and when the tiny magnets are fully aligned, it gives great strength to the body to attract objects. Disaligned little magnets will cause the actual magnet to lose its magnetism.
The same for our heart. Is our heart fully aligned with God or with this world? Before you even open your mouth to confess of your faith and allegiance for Him, do know that God already know our hearts.
Our Father is an almighty God who loves us even to the point of death on a cross. How much more he wants to give us good things and bless us in all areas of our lifes till we see him face to face.
Like a positive father on earth who wants to teach his son some values of life before he gives in to the son's needs (toy, computer, book), our Father wants us to know him intimately, His will for us and this awesome potential that he placed in everyone of us.
It is important that we do not place two eyes on his promises all the time as a begger does not care about the person giving the food but two eyes on Him as well as it is a relationship between a son/daughter and a Father.
Make it a point everyday to read his Words till you delight in them and let the words take root till your heart is overflowing with them. Spend time in prayer and be still before him to listen to him (throw away all your worldly thoughts to come before him! How much our Father wishes to communicate with us each and everyday. It saddens Him to see us reaching for our bed each and everyday without saying anything to him). Make all effort to touch/reach Him, confess your sins and be sincere to change your ungodly lifestyles for Him! Only the righteous will have access to his prayer.
Tuesday, December 02, 2008 | Posted by Josh at 6:16 AM 0 comments
Holiday Frames
I have been looking forward to change my old pair of spectacles for quite awhile and since the festive season is around the corner, I am actually thinking of a pair of funky spectacles that has the colours to match the occasion. There is a great eyeglasses website located at and they are a fabulous company that provides eyeglasses starting from $8.00. There is a wonderful selection of Holiday frames available at the website and I actually found a red rimless stainless steel pair that suits my taste. Besides this, there is also a huge collection of the different types of eyeglasses catering to the needs of everyone! Do visit the website for more information now.

Posted by Josh at 5:59 AM 0 comments
Design By God
Design By God - Romans 12: 3-8
God made each of us for a purpose and He gave us individual talents and spiritual gifts so that we can work together.
Each of us performs unique functions that God designed for us to do.
"Having then gifts differing according to the grace that is given to us, let them use them"
Romans 12: 6
There are no unimportant members in the body of Christ.
Monday, December 01, 2008 | Posted by Josh at 8:06 AM 0 comments