June Holiday!

Mac Breakfast at 5am - Watching Euro 2008 with Ben and Kian Seng at Clementi Woods Mac!
Many supporters at the Mac Donalds

Went Suski Sushi with Julie and her family for a feast

Suski Sushi
Plain Noodle
Potato and lots of sushi!

Botak Jones with Dearie - fish and chip
Cajun chicken

Gelare with Julie again
View from Punggol
My new shirt

Kian seng and Shawn waiting for their food haha

Award winning signaure dish! Very nice haha. Guess there's ham bacon, prawn etc inside a very crispy and soft crust

Past Random Shots

Wine Dinner at Stan's house again

Supper Trip with Ben at Xiao Xuan Feng
Xiao Long Bao
Ice Lemon Tea in a Pasta Sauce bottle haha

Curry Fries from Carls Junior - Yummy
Random shot from the singapore flyer haha
Supper trip to Jalan Kayu with Dearie
He Ji Mian - 3.5/5 haha

Strength for the Journey

This is the warning we see in 1 John 2:16. The world is a lot like the midway. Much of it is exciting. But as our Father walks us through experiences, He warns us of what will disappoint us, waste our resources, and distort and destroy us. It’s the sideshows that seduce us and endanger our experience here. Our world constantly puts us in tension with all that it offers.

This tension forces us to make up our minds about whom or what we will believe and follow. Will it be our Father or the sideshow?

It’s like that in life, but the stakes are far greater.