Happy New YEar to all!!
ENjoy!! =)
Happy New YEar!!
Sunday, January 29, 2006 | Posted by Josh at 2:07 AM 0 comments
Clearing leaves!!
My final leave clearance started tonight and it stretches all the way till ord! =p So glad its almost over... Spent some time today making sure that i sent all my work and files to my understudy and went for my final 5km run in the afternoon =)
Was in a totol relax mood, taking my time to pack my stuff and going into every branch bidding my camp mates goodbye.. not sure whether i'll c them ever again when i go back to do my clearance.. Mix feelings sank in knowing that i will be missing these great pals and at the same time happy wf the start of my civilian life.
Anyway, had a wonderful time last sunday wf the guys (lulu, jason, sandy, ignatius, cheng hong) playing table tennis at sandy's void deck. Our first sport for the year.. Haha seems that there are alot of pros among them.. CLUB DIDADI rulez at table tennis!! Sanday played really well for a gal haha.. played carom at sandy's house too and had some good food served by her mother. After that we helped sandy set up her friendster account and Jason was having a great time writing her profile and laughing to himself!! =p
Gonna enjoy my chinese new year before looking for some part time jobs.. Happy new year to all!! Enjoy and take care!!
Wednesday, January 25, 2006 | Posted by Josh at 4:33 AM 0 comments
Haha.. helping Kailing wf her promotion..
Flowers for sale!! (Valentine's day)
Cool deals....
Check this out at www.v-dayflowers.blogspot.com organised by some nus students =)
Friday, January 20, 2006 | Posted by Josh at 7:37 AM 0 comments
You scored as Sociology. You should be a Sociology major!
What is your Perfect Major? (PLEASE RATE ME!!<3) created with QuizFarm.com |
Thursday, January 19, 2006 | Posted by Josh at 5:57 PM 0 comments
Harry Kewell
Liverpool 1 - 0 Spurs!!
Kewell Stunner Sinks Spurs ! =p Haha sorry James =p
Saturday, January 14, 2006 | Posted by Josh at 7:19 PM 0 comments
Juz came back from duty.. well not exactly that tired cause i've finished my last duty and liverpool won
yesterday! haha no more staying back during the weekends anymore!! =p
Went for Edward's farewell party on friday nite b4 my duty.. Had a great time there crapping, eating and drinking
(vodlka vanilla, kurant and chivas.. haha they taste good wf sprite ). Haha well he's one of my great pal in camp
who went throught 4!! different vocations wf me! Remembered the days back in 4SIR where we were tortured
everyday.. after that a short spell at the BRC recce side, then we were sent to the Regimental Police to help out
for awhile and lastly our final posting to HQ 3SIB where we enjoyed our ns stinct the most. Except for the 3
mths bmt , the rest of my ns life was stuck wf this guy and others too. This guy has great personality ... haha but
too bad he's going australia for further studies.. =) All the best!
Gonna rest and will be out soon wf darling to bugis! hahaah
Oh ya.. we hope to bring back the sat morning basketball/badminton
playing for o2s15! .. haha =p
Take care and have a great day!!
Posted by Josh at 6:17 PM 0 comments
Busy week haha..Busy settling some cameras and dining-in function stuff, teaching my understudy and going for tuitions straight after camp. Guess next week will be a better week haha.. doing my FFI on monday!! jealous guys? =p
Had a great weekend last week.. Was out wf some of the ppl from 02s15 (ign, jason, lulu, sandy, gui mei) and Jasen too till early in the next morning (was 5am when i reached home). Fell asleep quickly and i was soon out again in the afternoon wf some of the same ppl where ignatius fetched us to his father's chicken rice stall for lunch! Haha..nice chicken meat! Visited his house before Jason insisted Ignatius in driving all the way back to jurong to get his camera b4 going to sentosa =p Had a great time there catching the nice 4D animation show, walking around sentosa and the beach =)
Will be updating some pictures soon when i get hold of them.. Well still hasn't got the time to scan and upload the 02s15 pictures up to the blog yet.. Sorry pinky! will get it done soon when i can find the time =)
Sigh duty for tmr, well its my last duty in camp.. So cant grumble so much =p haha got to go guys... Going to meet my dearie at ps and later attending my friend's farewell party cause he's going australia for studies.
Hope to c u guys soon and take care =)
Friday, January 13, 2006 | Posted by Josh at 12:34 AM 0 comments
To all my friends who are feeling down lately:
Cheer up guys, haha there's more to this world and be glad that u are blessed with the obstacles u are given to go through. They definately toughen you up and prepare you for the greater things coming or else you'll be crumbled easily the next time round. There are lots of things to be done in the world so look ahead and SMILE!! =)
Take care and goodnite!!
Friday, January 06, 2006 | Posted by Josh at 9:48 AM 0 comments
Damn busy day today.. having to satisfy the needs of everyone. Settling the new meeting room early in the morning for the opening ceremony tmr , going thru the sequence of the opening and unveiling of the plaque etc..
All these stuff were made worsen by the thoughts that i've lost my watch and i've forgotten to bring my IC to camp which i need to use it to log in to the com. (Luckily the watch was at home when i came home =) )
After that came another task to design and decorate the push carts stores selling ice kachang and tau hu goreng. So spent a great deal of time downloading casual fonts to the com to make the sign boards and searching for olden days street hawkers pictures to match the carts. Lots of bull-shits in between the jobs where i was interrupted and asked to run ard for the "big" day tmr, the Change-of -Command parade.. Man i dun care a damn abt it.. They are juz sacrificing other ppl's time juz to glorify themselves.. The commander himself was unappreciative and picky, asking different departments to tear down their works as he thinks that they are not up to standard.
Well things haven change after i got my understudy haha. Still doing the minor things myself. Even having to search for the "lost" parade state sheet at 4pm where he supposely got to hand up by 9am!! haha nvm..dun really mind anyway =p
Mix feelings in me as time pushed towards the leaves clearing zone. Well cant exactly describe how i feel..Probably one half of me sad to leave my campmates and the other half dying to go off to free myself forever!!
No more Bs soon hahah... Ard 20 days or 15 workings days to clearing leaves!! =) So glad...
Good nite pals take care!!
Thursday, January 05, 2006 | Posted by Josh at 7:23 AM 0 comments
Happy New year!!
Happy New Year to all!! ..
Sigh gonna be back in the camp by tmr morning!! How dreadful... 3 weeks of holiday past so fast and now its another 18 working days (or 24 days) in camp b4 my final clearance... Its definately gonna be the longest 18 days ever haha .. already used to sleeping late at 3am and waking up at 12pm in the afternoon. Tmr gonna be a tough day for me to tune my bio clock back...
Enjoyed every bit of my last 3 weeks doing wat i intend to do for a long time..
And the 02s15 blog will be up soon!! haha great news..
Juz painted some parts of my house so i quite tired now haha.. good nite to all!!
Monday, January 02, 2006 | Posted by Josh at 5:42 AM 0 comments